(Louvelle’s Apartment, Glebe (Sydney), Australia)

Our goal today was to walk a little less than yesterday. Louvelle’s having some hip issues, which I’ve diagnosed as sciatica. The weather was supposed to be poor, so we figured we’d hit up a museum or aquarium. Instead the weather was great, so we ditched that idea.
We started off a little late, but headed down to the Fish Market to pick up some fish for dinner. It was a touch busier than yesterday, but we were also there around lunchtime, and most of the markets double as restaurants. We settled on Australian Snapper, and then walked back to the house to refrigerate it.
From there we hopped on a bus and headed to Darling Harbour to meet up with Louvelle’s friend, Nelson, and his parents. They’d been in Sydney for a week and were heading back to Singapore in just a few short hours. We had lunch at the Harbour (expensive, as all food in Sydney seems to be), then headed over to Circular Quay to take a boat tour of the harbour.

The tour was an hour or so, and pretty enjoyable. There was an area of Eastern Sydney that I hoped we’d get a little closer too, but no such luck.
After that, we went in search of a mouse for Louvelle’s laptop, and headed home. We’d more or less accomplished our goal of keeping the walking to a minimum. Dinner has been prepared, but Louvelle’s at a dance rehearsal, so we’re waiting for her to return before we eat.
They’re calling for poor weather tomorrow, so I’m not sure what will come of that. Louvelle is contemplating going salsa dancing tonight, but I’ll probably stay in. Sydney Fest starts tomorrow, so we’ll probably be out late tomorrow night taking that in.
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Hey Kyle,
Glad to see you made it!! A little strange that things have been falling from the sky and hitting you. Be careful!
I have some surprising news for you. We played poker last night at Dwight’s. To everyones surprise…Dwayne Won!
Henny Penny