We got up a little later than planned and took the bus from Louvelle’s house to Coogee Beach. Coogee is Aborigine for “stinky weed”, but it smelt fine to me. Louvelle pointed out her old flat, before we headed to the trail that winds its way along the coast to Bondi.

The trek takes you past several beaches, including Bronte Beach where we stopped for a bite to eat. Slightly different than the Bronte Beach in Oakville. The trek also takes you past an old cemetery, which must have one of the best views, as far as cemeteries go.
At Bondi we lay on the beach for a bit, and hopped in to clean off some of the sand and sweat we’d accumulated.
Once we were home, we attempted to take a pilates class, but they were on a holiday schedule so we were out of luck. Instead, we took the bikes down to the grocery store again. I’m getting a little more accustomed to this driving on the left thing. We opted for Mexican, which turned out quite well. Kangaroo fajitas may eventually take off, but I doubt it.

My head was aching – probably from a lack of water, or too much sun, so I headed to bed fairly early.