I made it until 7:30pm without taking a single photograph. Of course, after that I went hog wild.
It was my first day without Louvelle and I started it off in New Town, which is neither a town, nor new, but kinda funky none the less. Somewhat Queen Street like, although more the Queen Street of yesteryear than now. I got there for ten, figuring that for the time when most stores would open. I was correct, but sadly someone had failed to tell most of the shopkeepers. A lot of the stores were closed, despite what the sign on the door said.
I grabbed a chai latte and read the paper, figuring more stuff would be open when I was done. Once again, I was correct. I visited a few of the shops, and then caught the train to Town Hall station, downtown.
My first destination was the travel centre where the girl I met on the plane worked at. Sadly when I got there I was informed she’d been moved up to Byron Bay ahead of schedule (although perhaps good for her). I took the time to look through the brochures to get a feel for where I should head next and jotted down some tour websites. I’m guessing I’ll probably be here for a couple more days.
I hit Kent St. after the travel centre and bought a pair of shorts and a rain cover for my backpack. Probably not much rain in the outback, but they’ve had some flooding up north.
Headed back to the house in the afternoon and checked out the tour websites. Louvelle showed up a little earlier than expected from work, but I’d already eaten and wanted to head down to Circular Quay. My camera finally got its workout after that, with a bunch more shots of the opera house at sunset and at night. There was a big cruise ship in the harbour, so I was a tad limited on where I could take a picture from, but it ended up leaving eventually.

Met Louvelle afterwards at the Koolabar, where she went after dance to do some more (salsa) dancing.
From there we stopped by Doc’s work to get some info on the Blue Mountains (he’s a concierge), but found out he was already home. Talked to him when we got back and he’s going to see what sort of deal he can get me. Also, he got a Skype phone, which seems like a great idea to me.