Happy Birthday to Louvelle. It’s nice to be able to email her and not have to worry about the time difference factoring into the equation (although we are an hour off here in Cairns).
I was the early bird, as usual, this morning. I read my book outside (it’s good!), then woke up the rest of the gang an hour before checkout. We had breakfast at the hostel (leftovers from the day before), then we drove to Mossman Gorge and had a swim in the refreshingly crocodile free river. On the way back to Cairns we took a detour to Kuranda from Cape Trib, and checked out the Barron Waterfall. Nothing much compared to Niagara, but not too bad.
We dropped the car off then headed to Asylum where I’ll bunk for the night. Definitely not as nice as Gilligan’s, but it’ll do. Headed into town to get some more sunscreen (I’m going through a boatload of the stuff) and some Gravol (or the like), but they only had the sunscreen, so hopefully I’m okay tomorrow. Sky was filled with fruit bats heading who knows where. We’re taking the Rum Runner out overnight to snorkel and dive (for Max and Jon). The frenchmen also rented an underwater camera, which might be cool. I’m hoping to book my way out of Cairns for Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Probably the latter.
I was hoping to get these last few updates up Monday evening, but it isn’t looking too good as the hostel internet is terrible. I’ll try in the morning if I am able.