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We headed out to dinner last night – there was some goldfish racing, which was not so entertaining – the guy who won was one of the guys we’d played volleyball with in Cape Tribulation. Small country… There was a wet t-shirt contest later, but I couldn’t be bothered to stay. I headed back to the hostel, did some laundry, and caught very little sleep before my airport shuttle picked me up at 4:10am.

Got into Brisbane at 8am, and headed into the city via train. Headed straight to a computer to get some accommodation info. Settled on a place, and walked down to drop off my bags. Headed back into the CBD and did some roaming around. Lots of shops. I was looking for the Louis Vuitton to see if Nicole, Lisa Dachuk’s friend was working. After a bit of work, I managed to find it, but she wasn’t working. I left a note, and then did a bunch more walking around.

Visited the Royal Botanical Gardens, which were nice, but not quite as nice as Sydney. Then walked along the shore, before heading back to the hostel to rejuvenate myself. Walked through Chinatown, which was rather underwhelming, then headed back to the CBD and walked over to the Cultural Centre. The library had free internet, which was handy. Did a bit of research there – doesn’t look like there’s a ton of accomodation south of Brisbane, in Byron Bay, but hopefully I can find something. Think I’ll head that way on Saturday, probably with a stop at Surfers Paradise. It’s Australia Day on the Saturday, so that might make things trickier – I’m not too sure. Seems Monday is a holiday for everyone, so I may as well be on a beach.

Walked along the south bank, past the lagoon (again I’m in a city with no beach, but the lagoon is pretty nice), then back to the hostel. Checked my email, and heard from Nicole, so I’m going to meet her tomorrow.

Got talking to some of my roommates in the hostel, and they were heading down to the bar for a drink. I was exhausted but decided to join them. Garth, and Kate from London, England. I thought they were a couple, but Kate was canoodling with another fella, so I’m not too sure.

No card readers on this computer, so I’ll have to get the pictures up at another time. I might pick up an external hard drive once I get back to Sydney, so I’ve got a few copies of the photos floating about. Don’t want to lose any of them.

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