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Valentine’s Day

Lots of people carrying flowers around the city today.

Another not so exciting day in Sydney.  Got up, putzed around on the computer, then headed to Paddy’s Market to buy a small backpack.  Wanted something for about $15 to throw things like my shoes in, and stuff I shouldn’t be carrying at all, like my hoodie – which I forgot to leave in Canada.  Ended up getting a probably-too-big bag, but at least there’s room for growth.  I have definitely been the lightest packer I’ve seen on the trip thus far – which is probably a good thing.

Headed back to the bookstore to read some books on southeast asia, as I had planned to have one purchased for me in Canada, since books are so pricey here.  Talked to Lee’s girlfriend, Ella, when I got back to the house and she said I can get a book in southeast asia for $3, so there’s no point getting one now.  Works for me.

Planned to see a movie in the evening, but in the end I couldn’t be bothered to leave the house.  Stayed in, did some reading, and that sort of thing, and went to bed fairly early once again.  Think I am back on schedule, sleep wise – although on Saturday I leave for New Zealand, where I’ll be introduced to yet another time zone.

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