Work up early, checked my email – and tried to arrange some things with my aunt and uncle with regards to China. Found out everyone was at my grandmother’s, so I figured I’d use the phone card a Swiss woman had given me in Christchurch and give them a call. Only 5 minutes left on the phonecard, and 4 people to talk to, but it was nice to hear some familiar Canadian voices.
Headed to the Franz Josef Glacier Guides building, and got suited up for a walk on the glacier – socks, boots, gloves, toque, raincoat, waterproof pants. It was pouring rain, which didn’t bode well for a day I’d be spending out in the open. As we hopped on the bus to head to the glacier, the weather cleared up a little, and we were able to stow away our raincoats.
The glacier is huge, and moves very fast (at about a metre per day). I’d be interested in coming back in a twenty years and seeing it then. Met some more Canadians, Amanda and Britney; an older American, Ted; and a few others. Our guide, A.J was from New Zealand, and did a good job of guiding us, but didn’t really shower us with information on the glacier itself.
Hiked up onto the glacier, and around it – took lots of pictures, and got very wet – as the rain revisted us several times through the day. Thankfully the provided gear was of a good quality. It was a little cool, which should help prepare me for Beijing next week.
Got back to the hostel at 4pm, and headed over to see Sebastian and Marion – but they were’t around. Grabbed my bags from the hostel and headed to Greymouth, further up the west coast.
Just outside of Franz Josef I picked up Eduard, a Brazilian. He’d been waiting in the rain for 4 hours, which is fairly unheard of as far as I can tell. He was just in search of a bed, so he was keen to go anywhere that might have one – so I offered to take him to Greymouth with me. Along the way I regaled him with my Portuguese speaking knowledge – but one can only say “It’s cold outside” so often before it starts to get repetitive. Even if it is true.
We looked for a few hostels in Greymouth for Eduard, but in the end he ended up staying at the same one I was at. Nice hostel, which may or may not have been an old church. One of the dorm rooms was a chapel.
Eduard is flying out of Christchurch on the same day as me, so he may head with me to Arthur’s Pass in the morning.