A travelling day, so no pictures worth posting.
Got up after a good rest and said my goodbyes to a few people in the hostel. After reading for a bit, I took a taxi to the train station, and bought a shuttle bus ticket to the airport. Was hoping to drive by the Beijing Hooters so I could take a photo, but no such luck.
Airport went fine, considering the language barrier. Lots of good english signage, and the people at the counters spoke enough english to get by. The flight was the same, and the food was reasonably good. Managed to finally finish reading “The Name of the Rose”, which I’d been struggling through since Auckland (just too much going on – and I did manage to read one of Adam’s books, “Tuesday’s With Morrie” on the flight to Beijing last week, so I am getting some reading done – plus the free internet at the hostel probably didn’t hurt). Started a Michael Crichton book (“Next”) my mom had sent over with Mary Lou and Adam, and before I knew it, we were touching down in Singapore.
Grabbed a cab from the airport with a nice taxi driver named Zachary. He was a cook full-time, so he suggested a few dishes I had to try, and gave me his email address, in case he’s ever in Canada. His wife is pregnant, and they’re expecting a boy next week.
While in Singapore, I’m staying with a friend of my sister’s, Adam – who I’ve never met before. He and his fiancee, Jill were going to be out at a Charity event so he left me a few detailed instructions on how to get into their condo. He said the keys would be in the puma, and I was expecting a statue of a puma cat or something, but instead was faced with a shoe rack. Managed to find the correct pair of Puma shoes, and got into the house without incident.
The condo was quite nice, and I made myself at home quickly, by doing some much needed laundry, and reading some more of my book. Adam and Jill got home not long after that and we got to know each other a little (I’d never met them, and wasn’t expecting them to be quite so tall, but they both seem great), before they headed off to bed.
The laundry took a little longer to finish, but I was finally able to throw the clothes in the dryer, and catch some much needed sleep myself.