My plan was to have breakfast then get a motorcycle to take me to the War Remnants Museum – figuring I could walk home from there. Since it was still cool, I decided instead to walk to the museum, and then see about getting a motorcycle back.

On the way I stopped at a few computer stores to see what they offered. Prices seem a little good, but I’m more inclined to wait until I get home to get anything. Apparently my computer at home is no longer working, but I don’t know that the problem is yet.
I visited the War Remnants Museum, which was pretty sobering. Mostly photos – of the war, and people who’d been affected by it afterwards (thanks to Agent Orange, mostly). I bought some postcards from a living remnant, a fellow with arms that stopped at the elbows, and a damaged right eye. He told me he’d been unlucky, and stepped on a landmine when he was young. Unlucky, indeed.

Headed towards Independence Hall (or Reunification Palace, as it is also called). It was closed, so I just took a photo, and moved on. Didn’t sound like there was much to see there, but if I am bored tomorrow, I have time to check it out. Walked around for a good while after that. Grabbed a coffee, and wrote a few postcards. Most likely the last batch before I head home – otherwise I may as well just personally deliver them, as it’ll be quicker. Checked out the theatre, and the town hall after my coffee, then headed back to the guesthouse and got some lunch nearby.
It was hot, so I had a shower to cool down, then hopped onto the internet. Not too surprised to see the Americans again. If I’m lucky I can shake them in Bangkok, but they seem to find me wherever I go.
Checked out Semi-Pro at the theatre in the evening. Mildly amusing, but not recommended. Killed some time, in a nice air-conditioned room, on a comfy couch. Did a bit of reading, but not really getting into my book.