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North of the Lake

Got up and headed to the Lost Angel cafe for breakfast.  Dave, the owner of the guesthouse had recommended it, so I figured I’d give it a shot.  Breakfast was pretty tasty, and every table had a laptop, so I managed to get a bit of internet stuff in as well.


I’d rented a bike from the guesthouse, so from the cafe, I headed north on the main road.  Dave suggested I check out the north of the island, so I figured I’d give it a go.   The ride there was pretty good – with some nice scenery, as Dali is wedged between Erhai Lake and a mountain (which also has a name, I am sure).  There were plenty of kids on the road, and a lot of them were pretty excited to see a foreigner, it seemed.  I exchanged hellos, but the language barrier was pretty tough to break after that.

I was pretty beat on the way back, a combination of a lack of fitness and a lack of food, I think.  Had a shower in the guesthouse, and then did a bit of reading in the common area.


Wanted to stay up later, but sleep grabbed me at about 10pm, and I didn’t put up much of a fight.
