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Everything That I Remember I Remember Wrong

Got up quite early.  The Irish boys in my room were off to visit some villages, so they were up early too.  I told Aidan I planned on chilling most of the day and he joked that it was a good thing I was up early so I’d have the whole day to chill, not just part of the day.


I grabbed my cds (not really sure why), and headed to Lost Angel.  Jessie, the owner, was playing some good music, so I asked who the artist was.  She wasn’t sure, but went on to say I could download any of her music if I wanted to.  I pulled out my cds and said she could take any of mine, too.  She was interested in a few, so I copied them over to her computer.

Wandered around Dali, then headed to the guesthouse and moved some music over to my ipod.  In the evening I went and grabbed a book, then headed back to Lost Angel to put some more music on Jessie’s computer, and get some dinner.

After dinner I headed back to an unusually quiet guesthouse.  The tv/dvd was free, so I threw in Jumper.  I’d read the book before, but the movie was pretty different.  Not entirely bad, but not too good either.


The  guesthouse seems overrun with Koreans, so I spent some time talking to them.  Nice group of people, and they all seem to be heading towards Lijiang as well, so I might be seeing them around for a few days, at least.

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