We were all up early, so we could get a head start on the last little bit of the trek. The french fries we’d had for dinner were so good that we ordered two more for breakfast. After everyone was finally up, we got underway. More of the same on the trek, but with a few more goats and some waterfalls. Waterfalls running right over the the trail.

Our destination was Tina’s guesthouse, so we stopped there for a drink. A few people were planning on spending a night, but I was staying behind. Sadly everyone in my group was heading on, so I said goodbye, and had to wait around Tina’s for Craig, Jonas, Kathy, Roriku, and the Kims. They showed up about an hour later, and wanted to eat, so we did that, then made our way back to Jane’s guesthouse to collect some bags.
The bus back to Lijiang broke down a couple of times in the onset, but after the driver fiddled with a few things, we seemed good to go, and were able to eventually make it back to Mama Naxi’s guesthouse. Wandered around downtown for a bit, and ran into some of the Koreans who hadn’t gone onto the gorge with us. We said our goodbyes to them, then headed back to the guesthouse. Kathy, Jonas, Craig and I booked our bus. Mama Naxi gave us a bag with some bananas and exclaimed “Banana four people”, which we immediately decided ought to be “Banana For People”, which seemed like a good Communist propaganda slogan. Natalia, a Russian girl living in Ghana, was also heading to Kunming on the bus, so the 5 of us headed to the bus station together.

Sleeping on the bus is pretty much second nature now – and I was lucky enough to have two beds, so it was pretty roomy too.