Got up with the intention of checking out of Dreamtime and making my way to Gilligan’s. I figured Jon and Max were here, with Theresa and Barbara arriving in the evening, plus reviews had been outstanding.
I dropped my bags off at the hostel, then headed out to see about getting my memory card working. Back at the internet cafe, I downloaded some recovery software and set it to work. It took well over an hour, but nearly everything seems to have been recovered, thankfully.
Checked my email while the recovery was underway, and found out that Jon and Max are now staying at another hostel. Theres is a little cheaper, but apparently dirty too. Where I am is about as luxury as you can get for a hostel – better than some $100+ hotels I’ve stayed in, but for the same price as a hostel. Not sure how they’re making money, but I’ve got a nice deck, there’s a huge pool, air conditioning (which Dreamtime didn’t have – hence the move), and a great location. Wet T-shirt contests on Sunday to boot. Apparently you can win $500, so wish me luck.
I was supposed to meet up with Jon and Max at noon (midday), but because my card was still being recovered, I couldn’t make it. I walked around Cairns (quite a small town, and 90% of the shops are tourist related), hoping to find them, to no avail.
I had my first meal since the plane – I’d completely lost my appetite after losing all my pictures, but, like the pictures, it was back with gusto. Grabbed a burger in the nice air conditioned restaurant (did I mention the humidity? It’s my way of getting around complaining about the heat – I’ll just complain about the humidity), and looked out the window, hoping to see Jon or Max walk by.
After dinner I checked into the aforementioned hostel, and grabbed some stuff to go swimming. Cairns has no beach, but there’s a man-made lagoon that will do in a pinch. All set, I started walking to the lagoon when I stumbled on Jon and Max (I mentioned Cairns was a small place, right?). They’d been researching diving/snorkelling trips and Cape Tribulation, which was what I’d have been doing if I wasn’t stuck in an Internet Cafe for so long. I was going to suggest renting a car and checking out the Cape on our own, but they mentioned it first. We popped into a few travel agencies and got some prices. Should be quite feasible, and a lot cheaper than doing it with a tour. We’re going to arrange things with Theresa and Barbara when they get to Cairns tonight.
Back at my hostel, my two roommates have returned from their trip to the reef. They are two German girls – Julia and Lina, but I haven’t talked to them too much as they rushed off to dinner shortly after I arrived. They seem friendly enough, though.
In the evening I headed to Asylum to meet up with Jon and Max and the two arrivals from Cairns. We’re going to rent a car on Sunday and head up to Cape Tribulation and the surrounding area for two days.